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"Getting SNES9X to recognize your Sixaxis takes a little bit more juju, but even then, there is still some weirdness." but they didn't listen... :( they should just load up all the train carts and send the boys to the concentration camps.. Dugg for the last line. You know what is messed up? I should sue for the years of discrimination against me as a young boy. Dreamcasts are awesome for old console emulation hooked right up to your tv as there is no hardware/software modding you need to do it. wonder if he's like.."how do these creatures get in that box...hmm "hiss".." XD Oh the women I'll meet there! Enable your logic units for just a minute. It's more than grotesque consumerism and spandex sodden with man juices. I'm thinking a "dick purse" is that little pocket in the front of our underwear.

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Using a shock collar on your kids is wrong? Huh. . . feel like maddox now? ESTOS CARROS SON DE SUPER LUJO Except..I don't have a PS3 or a HDTV o_O RSD will get a fun kick out of this article Manchester United is now Personchester United. sigue subiendo cosas como esas. Interesting I was never aware that being a boy was sexist.. For the ps3 I prefer Yellow Dog linux over ubuntu. I bet his kids are well-behaved. All the smart people are watching porn movies? with nud Different people have different reactions to pain.

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SNES fullspeed, full screen. she starts barking. As you can see in these videos Yellow dog Linux on the ps3 is quite capable. Silly feminists. But it's perfectly legal to 'train' your animals with them... a ps3 and a xbox 360 duct taped together to make a single entity. who would make great partners. I've always rooted for Nadal since he was the underdog against Federer. but corporal punishment is not exactly 100% effective. LOL! Did anyone else think this was going to be an Onion article? I put on my robe and wizard hat...

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wow 16 years, should have just went with good old slapping or belt. if any other animal shows up on whatever we're watching. Let's save some trouble. That's because 256MB is video-only memory. What the hell is wrong with society? people are putting So, he should have used a Tazer? Los autos son mi vida, me encantan y mas los deportivos. Shock collars are cruel for animals.. why would you put one on your kid? Arsenal changes its name to Behindnal. My cat did exactly the same thing when I showed it the video Crazy.

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Feel good when - you download the - nice breasts here Did anyone else first notice the "naked" at step 5? and will try to smash into the TV if we don't call her back. I don't see why anyone cares about sports. lol....This video has been ripped off from *ThatMilfSite com LMAO i just saw it on that site I've been single for far too long. SNES fullspeed, full screen. what an idiot. He also used cold showers and drowning as punishments. maybe some of this will sink in for me. solo 6 o 7, salen a la venta. wonder if he's like.."how do these creatures get in that box...hmm "hiss".." XD