How to Meditate for Health
The leading six causes of death in the US are linked to stress, so if you want to improve your health, start by eliminating stress. Meditation is one step you can take to promote relaxation.
Find a quiet place. Meditating for health means turning off the world and giving your brain a break. Find a place to meditate that's free of noise and other disruptions and where you aren't likely to be disturbed.
Get comfortable. You don't need to take the crossed-leg position commonly associated with meditating. Simply sit comfortably or lie on your back so there's no stress on any part of your body. Assume a position that allows you to breathe fully and doesn't cause any pain if you hold that position for several minutes.
Look at a spot. Find a spot on the ceiling or the wall in front of you and simply stare at it. Your eyes should remain open for the entire time and they should be fixed on one spot.
Breathe. Take a deep breath in through your nose, hold it for a count of two and then slowly exhale through your mouth, feeling the stress exit your body with the air. Do this several times, more slowly each time.
Clear your mind. Allow random thoughts to come in and out of your mind. Don't focus on any of them. Concentrate on your breathing until your mind is completely blank. Maintain that blank state as long as possible. It should get easier each time you meditate.
The leading six causes of death in the US are linked to stress, so if you want to improve your health, start by eliminating stress. Meditation is one step you can take to promote relaxation.
Find a quiet place. Meditating for health means turning off the world and giving your brain a break. Find a place to meditate that's free of noise and other disruptions and where you aren't likely to be disturbed.
Get comfortable. You don't need to take the crossed-leg position commonly associated with meditating. Simply sit comfortably or lie on your back so there's no stress on any part of your body. Assume a position that allows you to breathe fully and doesn't cause any pain if you hold that position for several minutes.
Look at a spot. Find a spot on the ceiling or the wall in front of you and simply stare at it. Your eyes should remain open for the entire time and they should be fixed on one spot.
Breathe. Take a deep breath in through your nose, hold it for a count of two and then slowly exhale through your mouth, feeling the stress exit your body with the air. Do this several times, more slowly each time.
Clear your mind. Allow random thoughts to come in and out of your mind. Don't focus on any of them. Concentrate on your breathing until your mind is completely blank. Maintain that blank state as long as possible. It should get easier each time you meditate.